Friday, July 26, 2019


Disclosure Is Coming!
Lately I have been thinking that maybe one way to end some of the idiotic craziness of War going on in the world right now would be for FULL DISCLOSURE to happen NOW!  So looking over the net for inspiration about this idea I found that I am not alone in thinking that much of the lunacy could be stopped if the "Powers That Be" (TPTB) were to come clean and let us all in on what is truly going on with the question of our collective past, present and future in regards to Extraterrestrial/Interdimensional contact happening between humans and other beings.
Are these beings our 'creators', or just gardeners on a cosmic scale, planting us, watering us with knowledge thru our history to the present where we might be able to handle the fact that many (and I am not saying All) of the Gods and Goddess that we have worshipped might have more in common with Star Trek than the Charlton Heston Moses image of how God really is.

One article I ran across was this one: Are Aliens coming back for their Religion?
It will be an adjustment for all of us, no matter our belief, and I for one think that the Brutal Honesty of whatever is the Truth  is better than the ignorance we currently find our collective selves living and dealing with daily. A Lot would change immediately, and the Elite strangle hold would hopefully lift for something better, or Not.  I am willing to take that risk and live knowing the Truth as opposed to the Lies we have now.
So for those storming Area 51  Onward!