Friday, July 26, 2019


Disclosure Is Coming!
Lately I have been thinking that maybe one way to end some of the idiotic craziness of War going on in the world right now would be for FULL DISCLOSURE to happen NOW!  So looking over the net for inspiration about this idea I found that I am not alone in thinking that much of the lunacy could be stopped if the "Powers That Be" (TPTB) were to come clean and let us all in on what is truly going on with the question of our collective past, present and future in regards to Extraterrestrial/Interdimensional contact happening between humans and other beings.
Are these beings our 'creators', or just gardeners on a cosmic scale, planting us, watering us with knowledge thru our history to the present where we might be able to handle the fact that many (and I am not saying All) of the Gods and Goddess that we have worshipped might have more in common with Star Trek than the Charlton Heston Moses image of how God really is.

One article I ran across was this one: Are Aliens coming back for their Religion?
It will be an adjustment for all of us, no matter our belief, and I for one think that the Brutal Honesty of whatever is the Truth  is better than the ignorance we currently find our collective selves living and dealing with daily. A Lot would change immediately, and the Elite strangle hold would hopefully lift for something better, or Not.  I am willing to take that risk and live knowing the Truth as opposed to the Lies we have now.
So for those storming Area 51  Onward!

Thursday, February 05, 2015

Calling the Genius Loci again.

Lately, I have been seeking the Genius Loci of my land in the city (Represented by the picture above I found years ago). Much has changed in the passing years of being here, and I became neglectful of many of the duties I should have been performing daily, weekly, monthly and so on.  But I was beat down, and tired of the Rat Race of the Matrix and home ownership came to mean less to me than I would ever have imagined. But slowly over the past year of so, I have came out of that funk with the work at the Jed Clampett cabin
 and my Goal of Self Sufficient Living on the Mountain one day.  That day has been calling me for a long long time, and I finally am preparing to answer it. Thus the need to speak again to the Genius Loci of this land here, as I try to establish contact with the Genius Loci of the Land around the Cabin

It really all started many years ago with my system of workings I call Changing the Universe. My altar had two Links representing the embodiment of the Center of the Universe.  They have been part of my system of tools I have used to achieve connections to the physical 3D reality we live and breathe.  The Center of the Universe stones represent As Above, So Below and connect to the True Center Of the Multi/Universe by correspondence.

The Genius Loci, like humans is a spark of the Divine Consciousness that can speak to us if we would listen.  It's message is Clear. "Human, if you wish to Survive, then you must change your ways of Destruction into Creation instead."  When i was told this, I saw the vast destructive qualities and actions of Mankind turn into what was like a Universal Whole Earth Zen Japanese Garden, it was beautiful.  We Can Achieve that day if we work hard, and it is imperative we do so for our own benefit and continuation as a species on this planet.
The Genius Loci of the Land here in the City, I call Adyiron, the Land that Sings.  It has been a small song of late, and I can hear it growing in length and stature. Its rhythm is beating so that my heart joins in with it, in unison growing louder each day.  It sings a song of the future, for me as an individual and a member of the Human Race. Calling me to live a different kind of life than that of the Matrix of Consumerism.  It shines a light on a life that is connected to its foundation in Nature, not living in an artificial light of technology and consumption.
The Genius Loci, sings harmony with Life, and I am Listening for what seems the first time ever in my life.
Changing the Universe has become much easier for me since I learned that if you change your own "Universe" inside,,, the outer 'real' universe goes along with it like a dance partner.  
Such is life dancing and Soul Jazz among the Genius Loci I have encountered.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Before our white brothers came to civilize us we had no jails. Therefore we had no criminals. You can’t have criminals without a jail. We had no locks or keys, and so we had no thieves. If a man was so poor that he had no horse, tipi or blanket, someone gave him these things. We were too uncivilized to set much value on personal belongings. We wanted to have things only in order to give them away. We had no money, and therefore a man’s worth couldn’t be measured by it. We had no written law, no attorney or politicians, therefore we couldn’t cheat. We were in a really bad way before the white man came, and I don’t know how we managed to get along without the basic things which, we are told, are absolutely necessary to make a civilized society.
-- Lakota Sage Lame Deer (from John Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions)

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Adyiyiron "The Land That Sings"

Since the end of January I have been in the Yard, working on reconnecting to the Earth Grid, and I must say that it has been very nice.  This is the Medicine Wheel /Sacred Circle in the east part of the yard.  Everything is green right now, just the way I love it.  I could do nothing but ''play in the dirt'' all my days, it is all that really makes sense to me anymore these days.  Reconnecting to the spirit of the Land, which I call Adyiyiron or the Genius Loci of this sacred place I steward.  I am in constant amazement of Nature and how she rebounds and Takes Over When Allowed!!  

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Time for me to restart this blog. I may have to remove this blog to continue to grow myself. So, if I do remove this blog,,, remember it has been fun and awesome for me.
thanks to all who have visited in the past.